Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Two Months Old

Patrick is two months old today. In some ways, I can't believe it's already been two months, and in others it feels like it's been so much longer than that. He has grown so much over the last two months. Here are a few of my favorite snapshots from the last few days. There are so many, but I have managed to refrain from posting every single one... For the moment at least.

He is such a happy baby!

A pouty moment...

IMGP2521.JPG...and faithfully, the smiles return!

IMGP2518.JPGA sweet moment between Luke and Patrick.

I just love this darling little outfit that a friend gave us. It seemed like he would never grow into it, and then one day, I pulled it out and found that he had. It's still a little big, but I just couldn't resist.


  1. Aww, love these. I can't believe he is two months old already! My favorite is the pouty face. :)
