Friday, December 4, 2009

A Stocking for Patrick

One of my fondest memories of Christmas as a child was opening up my stocking on Christmas morning and pulling out all of the little treasures inside. My mom made stockings for me and my brothers for each of our first Christmases that we continued to use throughout our growing up. Mine and my brother Sean's were made out of felt with little appliqued felt cut-outs and our names stitched on the tops. For Troy, she made a beautiful cross-stitched stocking.

Well, I thought it only fitting to carry on the Christmas tradition and give Patrick a hand-made stocking, because a store-bought one just wouldn't do. I didn't have a pattern for this, so I just bought several different colored pieces of felt and started cutting out pieces until I had the look that I wanted.

The base is made out of a sturdy felted wool that will hopefully stand the test of time through many Christmases to come. The rest of the stocking is made out of synthetic felt.

All of the cut-outs are appliqued and top-stitched on, leaving a raw edge around each of the pieces. Everything was then embellished with many - I repeat MANY - teeny tiny little beads. I think my favorite part is the little snowflakes.

Merry First Christmas Baby Boy. We love you!

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